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Introducing PredictiMed™️

Written by Connect Healthcare Collaboration | May 1, 2024 10:11:37 AM

By: Nic Hayes

Predicting the future is near impossible. Preparing for the future though, while still challenging due to the unknowns, is a slightly more achievable task. However, when you have the necessary information to make informed decisions about what is to come, your ability both to foresee what the future holds and prepare for it becomes significantly easier.


Since 2003, US HealthCenter has been a leader in AI-based innovation, especially in the field of health risk analytics. As a result of their continuous innovation, they have made it their mission to utilize industry leading health management science, technology, and advocacy to prevent disease. To fulfill their mission, US HealthCenter goes to market through three channels: health care, insurance and benefits, and technology; however, their innovation has put their technology at the forefront of their offering.



Years of innovation for US HealthCenter has culminated in the development of PredicitMedTM , a solution that will use predictive analytics to predict and prevent a number of health conditions resulting in disease prevention, health advancement, and a SaaS with innovative and transparent wellness plans.


Technology like this may seem too good to be true, but in the years since its introduction, the PredicitMedTM platform has collected a number of validations supporting it’s ability to both predict and prevent disease. In 2015, they were validated by the Intel-Ge Care Innovations Validation Institute for being able to identify and lower the pre-disease high risk level in thirteen major disease categories to a lower level where the preemptive intervention can be applied and thus reduce the incidence of ER visits and hospitalizations between 80 and 93%. This level of accuracy is the highest in the industry and instills a degree of confidence in the predictions made by the model.


The PredicitMedTM technology not only wants to predict and prevent diseases; it also wants to be able to predict how much those conditions could potentially cost the individual and plan sponsor. They ended up arriving at a risk burden, the amount of total spend per individual, of $6,000-$12,000. Coming up with a risk burden allows US HealthCenter to understand priorities by severity meaning seeing which high-cost conditions are prevalent in the group and then focusing on the right individuals with a number of different engagements to mitigate costs quickly. Similarly to the work US HealthCenter had done in predicting diseases, they also received validation from the Validation Institute for the ability to predict risk within an 8% margin. Justin Gavery Vice President of Business development said “ Not only do we want to understand who is at risk for what type of condition so we can target and engage those individuals to either prevent the disease or find disease early, but we need to understand the costs by condition that any given population is facing so we can measure the success of the program or the lack thereof, where can we make improvements based on the data we receive. We are ultimately creating a front windshield of claims risk liability so we can be proactive and not reactive as is our healthcare culture is today.”



The PredicitMedTM technology is able to predict and potentially prevent the onset of specific conditions is an amazing feat that has long reaching positive impacts both on the health of individuals and the costs seen by plan sponsors.


US HealthCenter currently has thousands of clients across the U.S. and nearly 200,000 members. Additionally, they have nearly 25,000 health care providers using their solution either as a coach, engagement administrator, or impacting the laboratory or HRIS systems. Its widespread utilization displays the facts that one of the most powerful parts of the PredicitMedTM is their personal health dashboard, a member engagement solution that is customized to that individual and their personal health profile. It also serves to help individuals understand the conditions they face or suffer from. The PHD is designed for a participant to understand all things health and engage all things health with a Registered Nurse or health care professional.


US HealthCenter employs holistic health coaches, who are also registered nurses, that serve as the single point of contact for the member regardless of what the member is going through. By having individuals work with a single highly trained coach, members are engaged and truly have someone in their corner to help them achieve improved health outcomes. This model has been highly successful, and that has been validated by the Validation Institute with US HealthCenter being awarded their inaugural award for care navigation.


US HealthCenter has professional Health and Wellness Consultants that work with any given client to implement PredictiMeds Wellbeing programs from beginning to end. Our consultants many of which many have master’s degrees or have majored in Health and Wellness help the client understand there current culture, what has been working and what can be improved upon to allow a seamless implementation.


The PredicitMedTM system has brought an innovative approach to predicting and then managing the conditions present on the plan to bring about improved health outcomes with the support of a holistic health coach.


We are proud to feature US HealthCenter on the Granite List