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Putting Employer's Back in the Driver's Seat: The Sapient Health Approach

Written by Connect Healthcare Collaboration | Jul 10, 2024 1:47:30 PM

By: Katelyn Bush

What’s in a Number?

We’ve all seen the statistics: In 2023, the United States spent $4 trillion on healthcare. That equates to approximately $14,000 per person—more than double the cost of care in any other developed country.


But that’s only half the story, according to economic researchers. As costs continue to rise, quality and transparency are moving in the opposite direction. A 2023 Gallup poll revealed that only 3 in 10 Americans feel that healthcare prices reflect quality of care. Even more alarming, fewer than 1 in 5 Americans know the full cost of healthcare services or products before receiving them.


With drug prices on the rise, employers can no longer afford to overlook these issues. They need solutions that not only reduce costs, but also give them back control of their health plan, ensuring cost predictability and timely care navigation for employees. In other words, employers need a solution that puts them back in the driver’s seat.


Lower Costs + Fewer Surprises

Enter Sapient Health: a fully integrated, transparent healthcare solution revolutionizing benefits management. As an employer-owned entity, Sapient Health has unique insight into many challenges facing our healthcare system. “Employers… believe that they can do nothing to stop the rolling freight train that is the U.S. healthcare system,” Vince Lewis, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer told CHC in an exclusive interview. “In this age of heightened fiduciary awareness on the part of employers, there needs to be a solution that creates employer autonomy, integrates cutting edge cost solutions, and guarantees full transparency.”


In response, UME has developed a self-funded solution that tackles these issues in one, fell swoop. That solution is Sapient Health. “We combine best in class solutions… with the alternative funding mechanism of a self-funded group captive arrangement,” Lewis explained. “There are multiple captive arrangements that you can choose from, and there is flexibility in plan design from working with a fully integrated solution to having an ala carte approach.” In this way, Sapient Health not only reduces health costs, but also enables employers to tailor plans to the needs of their workforce.


Creating Better Stewards

And that’s another thing about Sapient Health: They engage with employers not just as clients, but as partners. Employers work alongside their advisors to customize their health plans, giving them the confidence to manage healthcare expenses and excessive vendor compensation while avoiding the surprises associated with traditional insurance carriers. As Lewis explained, what Sapient offers is more than just a solution— they’re redefining the role of employers in healthcare management, enabling them to be better stewards of their plans.


But the benefits of this approach go far beyond increased autonomy. Sapient Health equips employers with clear financial insights, ensuring every dollar spent is accounted for. “We provide [employers] with access to employer owned group captives along with seamless integration, and we embrace transparency as a strategic asset by openly disclosing ALL compensation to the Plan as costs strictly associated with the cost of doing business,” Lewis continued. This enables plan sponsors to make more informed decisions about their healthcare investments, optimizing budgets and resources effectively. Given the recent spotlight on transparency laws and fiduciary responsibility on behalf of employers, Sapient is positioned in a significant way to be a leader in the medical stop loss captive space. No more guesswork—with Sapient, employers can navigate healthcare financing with clarity and confidence.


Looking Ahead

As health costs continue to rise, employers are finding it increasingly difficult to manage benefits effectively. Sapient Health offers not just solutions, but a transformative approach to healthcare altogether. “We at Sapient Health believe strongly in the mission and purpose of our cause,” Lewis says. “We are basically putting our money where our mouth is. We can’t and won’t subject an employer to enact something without doing it ourselves.”


With this approach, Sapient Health is paving the way for a more transparent and sustainable healthcare system—one where employers regain control, costs are predictable, and employees receive the care they deserve.


We are proud to feature Sapient Health on the Granite List