The Value of Doing Things the Right Way

By: Nic Hayes

In an industry where doing things the right way isn't standard practice, could there still be value in doing things the right way?


In 2014, Nathan Gabhart, a pharmacist by profession, built TrueScripts – a prescription benefits manager (PBM) that would truly do things the right way. On the need for an improved solution in the PBM space, Gabhart said, "Being a pharmacist, I saw first-hand a number of issues in the industry, which led me to decide we could do something better. We knew there was so much false information and manipulation in the traditional PBM space, so we wanted something to be true."


TrueScripts was created to help combat issues of rising drug costs and distressed patients by bringing truth and transparency to the marketplace. These issues are crucial for employers to address as they directly impact the plan's success and the health and well-being of the team members themselves. Specifically, if pharmacy costs are not contained, members may be unable to afford their medications, leading to worsened health outcomes, and these increased costs could divert funds from other critical areas, such as employee salaries and operational investments. Compounding matters, a lack of patient care from the PBM can result in members receiving drugs that are not clinically appropriate for them, treatment plans not being properly adhered to, and employee retention being negatively impacted. With the organization-wide impacts presented by prescription medications, TrueScripts provides a unique PBM solution focused on delivering Security, Service, and Savings.


Contractually Obligated Transparency

For TrueScripts, doing things the right way means removing conflicts of interest and misaligned incentives that would prevent them from acting in the best interests of clients and members. With an emphasis on fostering trust, TrueScripts' contract, a straightforward 9-page document, contains an "Affirmative Covenants and Transparency Commitments" clause that contractually obligates them to operate in a fully disclosed and mission-aligned manner for their clients. Additionally, TrueScripts has clearly defined revenue sources, no hidden fees or spread pricing, and clients can count on pass-through rebates, full access to data, and detailed invoicing/reporting.

With full insight to plan details, clients can know more and do better!


Amazing Care

TrueScripts' tagline is "Amazing Care," but it is much more than just that. It is the foundation upon which their business is built. For TrueScripts, the Amazing Care that they deliver starts from within, as their corporate culture is one of their most important strategies. Co-founder John Bell says, "We have always agreed that we never want to be the biggest PBM, just the best PBM. 'Best' to us means always providing Amazing Care internally to our TrueScripts family and externally to our clients, members, and partners." TrueScripts' focus on corporate culture has resulted in them being named the #1 Best Place to Work in Indiana for three years in a row. On the award, Co-founder Kevin Messmer adds, "This is a testament to what happens when you set up a company that first and foremost cares, continuously gives back to others, and realizes that we have been blessed so that we can be a blessing to others." In fostering a workplace environment rich in resources for personal and professional growth, TrueScripts can ensure that their team's care and dedication are extended to others.


The "Amazing Care" ethos fuels the team's efforts to devise strategies to protect against high drug costs and a lack of patient care in the current prescription benefits ecosystem. In addition to administering cost-containment solutions, TrueScripts serves as a patient advocate, working to bridge gaps in care by providing white-glove support. Over 1/3 of the TrueScripts team has at least one clinical designation, gearing them with the acumen to efficiently serve patients and navigate the healthcare system. Most importantly, when members need support, they receive it quickly with TrueScripts' One Ring Responsetm- a service commitment that connects members with a live TrueScripts professional on the first ring of the phone more than 99% of the time.


Innovative Programs

With innovation as a core value, the TrueScripts team is constantly working to stay ahead of the curve and develop programs that can outpace and withstand the ever-evolving world of big pharma and healthcare. Some of the programs utilized by TrueScripts include:

  • Formulary Guard Program: This program protects clients and members from the outside forces of big pharma through timely action and appropriate formulary management.
  • Specialty Care Program: TrueScripts' flagship cost-containment strategy that offers a fully-integrated solution for specialty drugs. Last year, this program saved clients an average of $57 PEPM on specialty drugs alone.
  • Brand Care Program: A copay card program that offers targeted savings on some of the most frequently prescribed name-brand medications.
  • PrecisionCare+: A pharmacogenomics (PGx) program designed to enhance the efficacy of Rx treatment plans through precision prescribing, customizable design, and personal pharmacist support
  • PriceProtector+: Provides effortless savings on generic prescriptions by automatically applying discount card pricing. Despite being rolled out less than a year ago, it has already produced more than $1M in total savings.


TrueScripts' Contractually Obligated Transparency, Amazing Care, and Innovative Programs truly set it apart as a PBM partner. With a client retention rate above 90% and an NPS score of 87 (the industry average is 8), the emphasis that TrueScripts places on care and transparency shows the impact that doing the right thing has.


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